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Environmental Justice Consulting

Because Planet Earth is for Everyone

The EPA defines Environmental Justice (EJ) as "the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." EJ is critical for surviving and thriving on the planet, and it's critical for the success of businesses and organizations. With the lens of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) principles, EJ seeks the wisdom of marginalized voices, celebrates leadership from the edges, and promotes perspectives outside the dominant narrative. Providing equitable access to natural requirements such as healthy air, clean water, and fertile soil, and protecting humanity from the ill effects of environmental degradation are basic human rights. If the system isn't working equitably for everyone, it isn't just. 


EJ is not only good for the human community. With the lens of bio-mimicry, EJ reflects natural solutions for ensuring all members of an eco-system can thrive as one, interdependent whole, the wider "We."  This wider "We" is the web of life we call home. Through symbiotic co-creativity and innovation, we can learn how to imitate healthy, vibrant eco-systems for the whole organization or business, and for the whole planet. Since EJ ethics inform every component of sustainable business eco-systems, it's important to incorporate consistent, dynamic, and accessible EJ languaging that clients, stakeholders, team members, board members, and newcomers can articulate and embody. We can help with EJ content creation, internal communications and marketing materials, systems analysis, materials for leadership training and formation, and well-crafted, sustainable business solutions to help you implement your green mission for the good of the wider "We."  

Sunset Kayak
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