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Executive and Life Coaching
for Adaptive Change

Grow Toward the Light

Clouds Theme Room
Couple Walking
"Laura worked with our team leaders who were transitioning to new roles within our organization. She astounded us with her ability to reach each person with respect to their professional and personal gifts, challenges, and joys. Her unique approach was obvious in that nature itself serves as the exemplar. Would highly recommend her."
- Kate H. 
"To have Laura Weber walk beside me on my spiritual journey has been a profound blessing beyond imagination. As my soul companion Laura listens deeply, shares compassionately, gently guides me to a clearer connection with my Divine through all things Creation. Laura's willingness to share with others: pure gift." - Jane N.D. 

- Executive Coaching for Transitions-


Transplant shock - what happens when root systems are traumatized. Unless well hydrated, they deteriorate rapidly. Add water and fertilizer for re-rooting, growth, and development, and they thriveOrganizational leaders making professional transitions to new positions, new structures, or new programmatic challenges often require the assistance of a seasoned guide who will aid them in finding their new rhythm.  Whether the timeline for transition is gradual or imminent, leaders can work with a skilled coach who employs biomimicry to guide and companion them through the phases of transitional disequilibrium, composting, rooting, growth, and networking necessary for success. Communication during a transition is key, and leaders who are great dialogue facilitators promote healthy energy exchange and fruitful dialogue among colleagues who are open or resistent to change. Execs who are confident, passionate, emotionally intelligent, articulate, and excellent stewards of transitional challenges and difficult conversations will catalyze the rooting and growth trajectories of new ideas and innovative systems. We offer group coaching, as well as one-on-one accompaniment, classes, and check-ins for measured outcomes.  Bio-mimetic, natural processes give us our cues, so team leaders feel organically connected and energized by their full engagement in organizational rhythms and eco-systems.  We promote organic leadership styles, and foster healthy energy exchanges, active listening for optimal communication, adaptability, mindfulness to reduce stress and improve focus, and embodied practice for overall health, work-life balance, and creativity.  When leaders envision the way forward, transitions are marked by trust and creative flow.

Navigating in Woods

- For individual sojourners,

are you on a path of self-discovery? -


Wherever you find yourself on life's journey, let nature's lessons and a seasoned guide accompany you.  It can feel confusing or overwhelming when our journey ahead seems unclear, limiting, or crowded with too many choices, decisions, and dreams. Life coaching is for those who need some guidance for navigating life changes, challenges, and questions, especially as your life path meanders.  With the lens of bio-mimicry, we can awaken your soul's love of nature for a healthy, dynamic, integrated lifestyle as you explore your new direction.  A bio-mimetic approach to life's questions and challenges means we learn to imitate creation on our way to health and wholeness. 

​- The benefits of nature therapy for overall health and wellness

are only the beginning. -


Touch the leaves and listen to the birdsong in the trees, our arbor elders. Plant your toes in the rich soil. Extend your arms and reach up to the sunlight. Take a deep, cleansing breath. There are so many health benefits from soaking up the goodness of creation, and we are learning more about them daily. Those who immerse themselves in nature's rhythms find their passion for life deepens and intensifies, their relationships are enriched, and their daily activities are imbued with flavor and purpose. A long walk by the sea, an afternoon of forest bathing, or a jaunt through the desert rain will bring our full sensorium back online and help us reflect the depth we experience inside. When we go outside, naturally, we also go inside for some soul-work.

Organic Garden
Mountain Peak

​- Soul-work is the interior work necessary to rooting yourself in a new vocation. -


Soul-work for adults, especially those who desire a change in their vocation, or retirees or empty-nesters, is the next step for those whose vocational paths are meandering.  We can accompany individuals through life changes, taking our cues from nature's seasonal cycles and graceful rhythms. Calibrating your perception to natural rhythms resets your breathing, regulates your pulse, and balances your responses for coping and resilience.  Creation models receptive, innovative, symbiotic energy transfer to enhance nourishment and co-create new life. A posture of humility and wonder that composts life's supple experiences of woundedness and joy, along with a primary disposition of openness, trust, and gratitude, create a fertile matrix for exploring and deepening your evolving vocation.

- What might life coaching look like for you? -


Assessment: A thorough inventory of your life's path may offer a good beginning for those who want to go deeper. We have great resources:

  • nature-inspired personality assessments

  • healing energy and breath practice

  • nature and forest therapy 

  • poetry, journaling, music and art therapy

  • dreamwork, dream journaling

  • mindfulness meditation

  • embodied practices like tai chi and qi gong

These will help you get in touch with who you are now, and all you want to become. Sojourners searching for their new life direction pay attention to their soul-work, knowing that it feeds their experience of adventure, healthful relating, meaning, and fulfillment. Seekers become familiar and even comfortable with questioning and ambiguity. 


Exploration & Focus:

Exploring is the fun part. We explore potential pathways, noticing what draws you, where you feel freedom, creativity, challenge, energy, and joy, as well as where there might be pitfalls and obstacles.

We make lists, cull them carefully, discern an intentional pathway, and gradually focus attention on a new path that delights and animates you. 


Creating a Pathway:

Soon we set forth an intentional plan with measurable outcomes, and take small steps toward the goal.  When we get off-track, we gently correct course until we are back on a chosen path, heading toward the place where you want to journey towards health and wholeness.  We walk together.  You set the pace. You set the direction and destination. Nature and a seasoned guide will walk with you.  Life's just better with a fellow sojourner.

Beautiful Sunset
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