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Services for Individuals

Finding Guidance and Inspiration in Nature's Embrace















"Cor ad cor loquitur" means "Heart speaking to heart." It characterizes our model of personalized accompaniment, and it requires deep listening. What is your heart's desire, and how can nature's wisdom accompany you on your journey? When we are moving along a pathway that meanders, a gentle, steadying guide walking with us is a welcome touchstone, especially a guide who listens deeply and inspires us to imitate creation's resilient, healing rhythms. Environmental Soulutions offers specialized, nature-inspired accompaniment for adults in the midst of vocational transition. With certification and over three decades of seasoned experience, we offer exceptional resources for life coaching and vocational discernment to help you rejuvenate and take your first, fierce step onto a new path opening before you.


Services include:

Life Coaching


Preemptive Nesting Design Lab

Soulscape Design

Hear From Others

Bridge Over River
"Laura is a powerful weave of soulfully wise spiritual guide, passionate eco-spirituality activist, and seasoned educator in the fields of environmental justice and intersectionality of science and theology. Yet it’s not just these hats she wears, nor decades of experience as academic, chaplain, spiritual companion, and eco-spirituality center director which make her a priceless colleague.  It is the loving energy and healing presence transmitted through Laura’s soul which uplifts my spirit, and that of countless others." 

Catherine Q-E.

Process Guide

We begin with a life review and see where you've experienced milestone markers.  How has your experience of nature affected your journey to this point?

We can co-create threshold rituals for adults in transition to a new phase in life, to help them celebrate and commence their new chapter.   We take our cues from the incomparable beauty, mystery, and potency of nature's life cycles, and help you design your time, space, and daily activities to align with your mission and passion for life.

We can imagine your best potential self with our Preemptive Nesting Design Lab. Especially for those entering into their wisdom years, such as empty-nesters, retirees, or those whose vocations are shifting, ritual and threshold experiences can provide the catalyst for taking a first, fierce step into a new way of living, inspired by nature and nature's rhythms.

We can work together to create a Soulscape in your chosen space at home - either inside or a dedicated outside space, one that helps you relax and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of creation that speak to your soul.

We can offer you a variety of embodied soul-work modalities, including the gentle movement of tai chi and qi gong, nature therapy through forest bathing, nature journaling, poety, art, and music, mindfulness and breathing techniques, and many other methods for growing where you're planted.

We can create a plan to help you create the connections that will continue to inspire, challenge, and help you grow where you're planted. Going deeper, exploring, and reaching out are signs of growth.  By embracing them, you grow towards the light.

We can plan a celebration with your family and friends that speaks to your love of nature and helps express your intentions for the future.

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